fall lab 2019 - aubenton, france
from 12 till 15th of september 2019 choreolab europe facilitated their fall lab intensive in aubenton, the north of france, where advanced and professional dancers, movers, dancing choreographers and dance students can participate to explore and dive into their own creative process and those of the fellow labbers.
this lab was a special edition that had even more focus on exchanging ‘playgrounds’. this meant being part of a group likeminded people who come together in a house in the north of france and dance, work, play, research with own and each others choreographic ideas. people came with an idea to try-out with the group, or were inspired or surprised with the ideas that arose during the choreolab. this lab included 3 meals a day and accommodation (4 nights, room shared with at min. one max. two other person(s)). what participants say about the labs: read this blog by ruby to get a vast experience overview of the fall lab in basel 2017. shorter impressions: the environment of choreolab is both high-quality and judgment-free. makers from all stages of their career - from those thinking for the first time about choreographing to those working on archiving twenty years of creations - come together here to experiment, brainstorm, learn, and play. everyone gives 100% of their energy to everyone else because everyone gets the chance to step into the choreographer's shoes. I so enjoyed collaborating with and getting to know these wonderful, talented people! anna - participant spring lab 2018, amsterdam choreolab is a safe space to begin your choreographic explorations. to share thoughts and knowledge and to play with choreography with different types of movers. katrina - participant spring lab 2016, berlin Read more reviews here. |
practical information:
arrival day: wednesday 11th (afternoon or evening) lab days: 12 till 15h of September departure day: sunday 15th in the (late) afternoon fee for the lab, meals and accommodation: 260 euro p.p. as we keep our lab-groups small (max. 10 participants), we only have a few spots left! if you are interested you can send in your motivation, bio/cv and a link to a video of you dancing to [email protected] or fill in the application form (including the link). deadline of application is 15th of august. questions? just send an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible! the studios in the ihts house in Aubenton